Success Ultra Insecticide Concentrate 200ml

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Success utilises spinetoram, a beneficial bacteria derived from soil,to control a range of garden pests -Safe to use on a wide range of plant crops; vegetables, herbs, fruits and ornamentals -Easy to use spray formulation controls wide group of garden pests. Controls range of caterpillars, codling moth, thrips, tomato leaf miner, pear & cherry slug, apple moth, grapevine moth, and loopers. -Now can be used on more crop types including curcurbits, citrus and stalk & stem vegetables 100% increase on crop types from old Success -More effective formulation that now makes up to 40L compared to 10L in previous -new claims for control of coddling moth and citrus leaf miner. Can be used to solve pest problems on more than 40 vegetable and 30 fruits -enters into the leaf at the time of spraying , which means, once it is dry it won’t wash off, even if it rains.